“The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.” (Book of Order G-2.0201) The ministry of our Board of Deacons includes visiting the homebound and those in the hospital; coordinating meals, transportation, and other services for the ill and homebound; sending care packages to out-of-town military and college students; and coordinating funeral receptions that are held in Conway Hall.
The Board of Deacons
Class 2025
- Jane Heppner
- Lori Lampman
- Minnette Mullings
- Debbie Munson
Class 2026
- Paulo Chen
- Christine Nursey
- Pam Schallert
- Evie Smith
Class 2027
- Pam Byrd
- Carolyn Castagno
- Barbara DiOrio
- Mary Wiseman
Contact Information:
If you are in need of any of these services or are interested in serving on the Board of Deacons, please contact the church office at (407) 898-6571.
Ruling Elders
In the Presbyterian Church (USA), the congregation elects elders from among its members “to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. Ruling elders, together with ministers of the Word and Sacrament, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church” (Book of Order, G-2.0301) Ruling elders serve on a council named the session. They actively serve on the session for a defined period but remain ruling elders for life, serving in a “sustaining” capacity in a variety of ways furthering the mission and ministries of the church.
- Moderator: Rev. Jody Mask, Pastor
- Clerk: Diana Ibarra
Class of 2025
- David Alchin
- Carol Ivey
- Jim Pate
- Nick Pazar
Class of 2026
- Kyle Price
- Sandee Smith
- Tracy Umpierre
- Glenn Widick
Class of 2027
- Maxine Gokee
- Carol Pate
- Mary Solik
To reach an elder please contact the church office at (407) 898-6571.
The session meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7 pm in the Conference Room of John Calvin Memorial Hall. Meetings are open and members are welcome to attend. (Guests may be asked to step out when a sensitive or confidential matter is taken up.)
Session takes action, for the most part, on matters that are brought on the recommendation of teams. Ideas and suggestions are best brought to those teams. Call the church office for information about when teams meet and who to contact.
This team manages administrative and personnel functions, including general office needs. They review agreements and contracts prior to execution or renewal by church officers. They assess staff needs and manage hiring, and ensure compliance with personnel requirements. Other specific duties include: review and revision of the Personnel Manual, participating in the annual performance review process, reviewing employee compensation and making recommendations for changes to the session, and reviewing the terms of call for pastors and making recommendations to the congregation.
This team plans and oversees many areas of ministry that as a whole strive to present a program that provides an environment in which the faith of the members of Grace Covenant can grow and be enriched. It is also the goal of the team to offer opportunities for members to grow in community and relationships while learning together.
The Finance Team has oversight of all financial activities and pledge generating activities. Financial matters include reviewing and assisting in the preparation of the monthly and annual financial reports, responsibility for an annual independent financial review, developing recommendations for the investment of the church’s reserves, assisting other committees in the identification of funding sources for various projects, and assisting the church treasurer with resolving financial issues. Stewardship matters include reviewing campaign materials, soliciting budgets from committees and preparing and distributing pledge mailings, as well as preparing the annual budget for presentation to the Session.
The Hospitality Team seeks to promote the sense of community within the congregation and hosts events welcoming all who worship at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The Outreach Team is involved with planning and administering a portion of the church’s financial resources for benevolent programs within our local community and world as well as organizing service opportunities. They also oversee evangelism, bringing people into the knowledge of the saving grace of God in their lives. This includes finding ways to attract and encourage individuals to our church; finding and encouraging ways for members to be welcoming to visitors; publicizing services and activities to the surrounding community; and welcoming and assimilating new members into our fellowship
The Property Team is responsible for the maintenance and preservation of physical property owned by Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church including the grounds, buildings, furniture, fixtures and equipment.
The Worship Team is responsible for weekly and special worship services. They recommend dates for celebrating the Lord’s Supper, preparation of the elements, arranging for church officers to serve communion and extended communion, recruitment and training for worship helpers, sanctuary flowers, music, hymnals, Bibles, and other materials. The worship team also provides the content for the power point slides and seasonal sanctuary decorations.
The Youth Team is responsible for nurturing the faith of students in middle and high school and young adulthood through studies, fellowship and fun.