Sermons by Jody Mask (Page 9)
The Color of Rebirth
John 3:1-17
The Color of Temptation
Psalm 32; Matthew 4:1-11
Uploaded to the Cloud
Exodus 24: 12-18 & Matthew 17:1-9
Fasting at the Lord’s Table
Isaiah 58:1-12
What the Spirit is Saying to the Churches
Revelation 2 and 3
A Woeful Word
Matthew 2:13-23
Word Gets Out
Luke 2:1-20
Welcoming the Word – Christmas Cantata
Isaiah 7:10-16 & Matthew 1: 18-25
Wondering at the Word
Matthew 11:2-11, Isaiah 35:1-10
Waiting for the Word
Isaiah 11:1-10, Matthew 3:1-12